150th Anniversary Capital Campaign

After 150 years, First Presbyterian remains a vibrant witness to God’s love in downtown Durham. Inspired by the faithful witness of our members, we now move forward with plans to expand and renovate our building spaces as we prepare for future mission and ministry. The proposed building plans will address important congregational and community needs for fellowship space, an outdoor oasis for prayer and reflection, and an inclusive, accessible welcome for all in the heart of the city.

You are invited to join with the whole congregation in making a capital campaign commitment to help fund our building expansion and renovation project. Each gift will be unique to each person’s circumstance. Every gift of every amount will make a difference. We invite you to pray about your gift – to reflect on God’s blessings in your life and how God is leading you to respond. Please continue to pray that God blesses our congregation as we strive to Build a Beloved Community.

Click here to view more information about the proposed projects and our Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign.
Click here to download the PDF version.

Click here to view the latest conceptual drawings from our architect.

To show your support and access the online pledge form, click here. To download & print the pledge form, use this PDF pledge form.

Your prayers for a successful campaign are important. Together, we lift up the following prayer:

God of light, thank you for enlightening our path that has led us to this day, as we envision what this place may become. Thank you for the vision and the hope that we can be to the world. We ask that as we continue to plan for the future, we hear clearly your voice coming through. Enable us to continue to be a place that is welcoming… a place that is full of grace. We ask you to abide with us during this campaign that we may accomplish our expansion and renovation plans, both for ourselves, our neighborhood, and the world at large. In Christ’s name. Amen.

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